

Ji-mori Shakuhachi 1.8 in D Mumei Japanese madake – restored

I recently bought this unsigned (mumei) shakuhachi from a seller in Fukuoka (Kyushu). It was a 2 part (nakatsugi-kan) ji-nashi which is pretty rare. Despite  good looking features (nice madake bamboo, kinko inlay, rattan on the joint, red coating..) it seemed to have been made rather for decoration because it almost didn’t sound at all besides out of tune !
The upper part also presented two major cracks on all its length.

This restoration, in addition to the crack repairs with glue filling and urushi-stregthened bindings, needed a complete re-tuning of the holes and the whole bore which needed ji at some points.
Finished with several layer of nice red urushi (shu no moto) in place of the bad red painting that was on.

That amount of work was worthwhile because the result is very satisfying :
The Ro is loud and stable, all the notes and special fingerings working well with a very good overall response.
The balance between strong and coloured low tones and clear and bright high tones with the unique ‘bamboo’ sound typical of ji-nashi flutes makes this shakuhachi a pretty good instrument.

Listen :

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(1st Dan from Rokudan no Shirabe)