

Restored Ji-ari shakuhachi 1.8 in D from Tom Deaver – restored by Chikudo

I restored this ji-ari shakuhachi for a German customer willing to sell it. Tom Deaver was a renown American maker based in Japan; His instrument are valued by many players. He used to have two different Hanko (signature) depending on the quality of the shakuhachi; This one is actually an intermediate level one.
It is a good affordable entry level ji-ari shakuhachi very well balanced, flexible and clear in tone and pretty loud . Utaguchi has a Tozan type of inlay despite the fact that Tom Deaver was a Kinko player and maker (probably on demand of the buyer). As usual with his shakuhachi, this one has big holes which is good for volume and meri notes but not convenient for thin fingers !
After having repaired 2 severe cracks previously glued (ugh… I don’t like that !), I also repaired cracks and chips in the bore with some ji and a new layer of urushi.

It is a quality ji-ari shakuhachi very well suited for beginners or intermediate players.

Japanese Madake
Shakuhachi in 2 pieces – 7 nodes
Length : 545 mm (1.8 shaku)
Diameter at utaguchi : int : 21  mm ext : 36 mm
Diameter at foot : int : 18.5  mm ext : 50 mm
holes diameter : 12-13 mm
Tozan acrylic inlay
red urushi lacquer.


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