

Chikudo hochiku Shakuhachi 2.4 in A – Japanese Madake ‘Gomadake’

I made this Hochiku ji-nashi in a beautiful piece of dried Madake (gomadake) harvested last autumn in Kyushu. The foot revealed after aburanuki curing several cracks so I decided to bind completely the flute with strong bindings and urushi. The bamboo has a surface damage on the foot under the first binding (see picture); I preferred to let it natural instead of using ji and urushi lacquer.
This Hochiku shakuhachi will please the aficionados of Watasumi Roshi’s wild blowing style. Wide and powerfull with a natural wide bore (without lacquer), it has an excellent Chikuin (bamboo natural resonance) and offers a great range of tone colours.
Even though I haven’t studied properly Watasumi-do style, I tried to make a record in that same mood.

Hochiku ji-nashi Shakuhachi nobekan (1 pièce) 9 nodes
Length : –
Weight : –
diameter at utaguchi : int : – ext : –
Diameter at foot : int : – ext : –
Holes diameter : –
No inlay at utaguchi – Bindings strengthen with urushi
Non lacquered bore (oiled)


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