I was back from London WSF with 5 shakuhachi to repair in my bags…
Some of these works are quite reasonable, other more delicate with traditional inlaid rattant bindings and one of them is really challenging…!
1 Tozan (unknown maker), 2 Tom Deaver – 1 old Kinko (Nampo Shozan) – another pretty old kinko 2.0
I indeed felt that there was a need in Europe for proper repairing services which motivated me in studying and practising those skills from last year;
And without any special advertisement in London, I already find myself with a lot of demands.
Within the next months, restoring works will represent half of my working time at the expense of my shakuhachi making but it is still a very good way for me to study more the Ji-ari flutes from different makers and periods.
Next shakuhachi masterclasses to come…
In April and May 2019, two kinko shakuhachi masterclasses in France !
6th and 7th of April in Paris
KSK masterclasse with master Teruo Furuya and Mizuka Onishi (koto).
KSK Honkyoku (Katsuya Yokohama) and Shinkyoku (contemporary) repertoire will be studied.
(Classes translated in French and English)
PDF Flyer Here
Info and reservations to : furuya.masterclass@gmail.com
11th and 12th of May in Loiret (south of Paris)
Kinko Chikumeisha masterclass with Gunnar Jinmei Linder
Honkyoku and Sankyoku will be studied
Classes also for beginners and intermediate level (2h/day)
Info and reservations to : chikumeishafrance@gmail.com
Silver work
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Autumnal restorations
Over time, I have been working on restoring the shakuhachi given to me in London gathering.
Here are three of the nice shakuhachi that I was honoured to give their voice back !
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Next shakuhachi restoration at my workshop
I was back from London WSF with 5 shakuhachi to repair in my bags…
Some of these works are quite reasonable, other more delicate with traditional inlaid rattant bindings and one of them is really challenging…!
1 Tozan (unknown maker), 2 Tom Deaver – 1 old Kinko (Nampo Shozan) – another pretty old kinko 2.0
I indeed felt that there was a need in Europe for proper repairing services which motivated me in studying and practising those skills from last year;
And without any special advertisement in London, I already find myself with a lot of demands.
Within the next months, restoring works will represent half of my working time at the expense of my shakuhachi making but it is still a very good way for me to study more the Ji-ari flutes from different makers and periods.
Back from London
I had a intense week of meetings and sharing in
London world shakuhachi festival
Group picture in front of Goldsmith university
The program was very dense, 5 concerts each day, workshops, masterclass and lectures all the day long with 80 professional guests, masters, performers, teachers, scholars or makers…
A good opportunity to perfect the ability of choosing !
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Last restoring at the workshop
It’s a Ji-ari nobekan 1.6 Tozan about 100 years old !
A flute he bought 20 years ago in an antique shop in Geneva; they found this flute in Kyoto.
I don’t have much informations on the maker Enzon Kyozon (supposedly writer of a book on Shakuhachi making); if anyone has information on that maker, please contact me.
I like his Hanko.
Here follows the details of the repairs I did on this Shakuhachi.
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Concerts in Figeac videos
Here are to videos from the two concerts given in Figeac
during the last Shakuhachi masterclass
On the 1st of June in the church of Fons
(Nice little roman church with beautiful acoustic)
A two voices version of the famous Sakura; The beginners were playing the first voice studied the same day and the advanced played the second voice composed by Christophe Gaston. This quite a Rock’n’roll version !
On the 2nd of June in the auditorium of the music school of Figeac
Shika no tone
Shika no tone – Evocation of two deer (shika) calling for each other in the forest.
That was the first time I was playing this famous 2 voices version of this Honkyoku;
I was honoured to play it with Gunnar !
Shakuhachi master class in Figeac
report from the Shakuhachi master class
with Gunnar Jinmei Linder
in Figeac – S.W France
The students group Gunnar Jinmei Linder and Akari Sagara
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WSF2018 – World Shakuhachi Festival
1-4 August 2018 in London
World Shakuhachi festival
for the first time in Europe
Web site : www.wsf2018.com
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Chikudo English blog
Welcome here on the English version of my blog.
From now, all new articles will be published both in French and English.
All the former articles can be read on the French version of the blog.