

Chikudo ji-ari shakuhachi 2.2 in Bb – French bamboo

I built this beautiful ji-ari in a French piece of yellow bamboo.
The bamboo is pretty thin and despite an unusual nodes placement, it is very comfortable in hands, with a nice curve and lightweight for a long flute.
It is not a ‘straightforward’ shakuhachi revealing its splendours at first blow; It needs some time to tame and search for its voice but it is worth the quest as it has a beautiful tone colour, is very flexible and well balanced; responsive in all the fingerings and techniques and very easy to blow in Dai-kan up to Chi !
All those characteristics are due to the bore which I designed quite thin for this length of shakuhachi.
This shakuhachi suitable for both traditional and contemporary playing and also fusion music with other instruments.
The rings at joint are handmade silver rings with urushi artwork with silver powder.

Shakuhachi in 2 parts (nakatsugikan) 8 nodes
Length : 690 mm (2.27 shaku)
Diameter at utaguchi : int : 21mm ext : 35 mm
Diameter at foot : int : 18 mm ext : 50 mm
Holes diameter : 10 mm
kinko horn inlay – silver rings and urushi
Black urushi lacquer


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