

Chikudo ji-nashi shakuhachi 1.5 in F – gomadake (grade *)

Here is a small but powerful ji-nashi with a high voice. The dai-kan (3rd octave) is very intense. Its power is more in the high notes than in the low register.
I find this shakuhachi well suited for playing Minyo (japanese folk song repertoire) and Gaikyoku (‘non-japanese’ music) but why not for Honkyoku…the koro-koro would then become a kiri-kiri !

French gomadake bamboo
one piece shakuhachi (nobekan) 7 nodes
Length : 456 mm (1.5 shaku)
diameter at utaguchi : int : 18.5 mm ext : 31 mm
diameter at foot : int : 18 mm ext : 45 mm
holes diameter : 10/11 mm
Kinko horn inlay – dark red Bengara urushi


Listen :

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