Chikudo Ji-nashi shakuhachi 1.6 in E – grade *** – Japanese Madake
I made this great ji-nashi from a piece of Japanese Madake brought back from Kyushu last autumn. The bamboo is thick and dense with good proportions; it has a natural big bore with perfect design which is rare to find.
This ji-nashi is very flexible, has a lot of power, fine bright tone and plays easily any kind of repertoire. The most comfortable playing gives a pitch at A 435Hz.
Madake from Kyushu
Shakuhachi nobekan 7 nodes
Length: 485 mm (1.6 shaku)
Diameter at l’utaguchi : int : 23 mm ext : 40 mm
Diameter at foot : int : 24 mm ext : 55 mm
Holes diameter : 12 mm
kinko horn inlay
Black finishing urushi 3 layers
Listen :
Takiotoshi no Kyoku
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://www.chikudo-bamboo-flutes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Taki-otoshi-no-kyoku-ji-nashi-1.6-03-20.mp3″]