

Ji-ari shakuhachi 1.8 in D “Mumei” – restored by Chikudo

This ji-ari shakuhachi made in a beautiful piece of Japanese Madake with a nice shape and patterns is unsigned.
It presented several splits repaired badly, utaguchi was damaged and it needed some bore adjustments with ji to get a better tone balance. I made 8 external rattan bindings in the same way it was when I got it.

It is a good entry level ji-ari shakuhachi with a very good response and balance; it’s tuning isn’t perfect but is correct and the tone colour is bright and shiny especially in Kan.

Japanese Madake –  “mumei” unsigned shakuhachi
Shakuhachi in 2 pieces (nakatsugi-kan) 7 Nodes
Length : 545 mm (1.8 shaku)
Diameter at l’utaguchi : int : 20.5 mm ext : 37 mm
Diameter at foot : int : 18.5 mm ext : 55.5 mm
Holes diameter : 11 mm

kinko horn inlay  – plastic rings
Black urushi lacquer


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