

Kinko Ji-ari Shakuhachi 1.9 in C# – Signed SHINSUI MATSUSHITA- Japanese Madake

Here is a good ji-ari shakuhachi in C# that I sell for a customer. It is a good instrument from the reknown master Shinsui Matsushita (Tozan maker). This shakuhachi is Kinko not only from its triangular inlay but also from its bore design quite different from the Tozan 1.6 I have from the same maker. The tone colour is very Kinko, warm and velvet.
It’s a simply but finely crafted shakuhachi with a flexible and ample timbre; An advanced level ji-ari sold for a cheaper price than its normal rating.

Kinko Ji-ari Shakuhachi
Japanese Madake – 2 pieces – 7 nodes
Length :  575 mm
Weight :  449 g

diameter at utaguchi  : int : 21 mm – ext : 48.5 mm
diameter at foot : int : 18.5 mm – ext : 53 mm
Holes diameter : 11 mm
Kinko horn inlay
Black urushi lacquered bore
Silver and rattan rings
Leather utaguchi cap included


Listen :

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