

Ji-nashi Shakuhachi 2.0 in C by Chikudo – Grade **

This shakuhachi made in a light resonant piece of French bamboo is a very pleasing player.
I just got it back from a customer who’s been playing it intensively for a year (see the patina by the tone holes) before exchanging it for a superior ji-ari flute.
This ji-nashi with a warm and velvety sound is very expressive with a good response, volume and pitch up to Dai-kan.


Ji-nashi Shakuhachi
French bamboo – 1 piece Nobekan – 7 nodes
Length : 612 mm
Diameter at utaguchi  : int : 22 mm – ext : 33 mm
Diameter at foot : int : 22.5 mm – ext : 49 mm
Holes diameter : 10-11 mm
Kinko horn inlay
Black lacquered bore with urushi

Listen :

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