

Ji-nashi Shakuhachi 2.4 in A – “Hochiku” – Goma take

The word Hochiku ( 法竹 – lit. “Dharma Bamboo”) was used by the famous monk Watazumi Doso Roshi  to describe the shakuhachi he was playing that were very different from the komuso shakuhachi of that time.
The Hochiku is usually long and large; it is always a nobekan ji-nashi with a non-lacquered bore and no inlay at utaguchi.
It is the most natural expression of bamboo shakuhachi. Its acoustic is defined by harmonic complexity and rich tone.

So here is my own interpretation of Hochiku made in a beautiful piece of French goma bamboo. It is completely natural but protected with an oil bath of 24h. This long and low flute is surprisingly easy to play with a great velvet sound and typical bamboo texture in tone. Its harmonics are delightful to explore and despite its large bore, it goes quite easily up high in dai-kan 3rd register. (I assume that I wanted to keep this shakuhachi for me but prefer save more money for my trip in Japan to come !)

Ji-nashi Hochiku – nobekan (one piece) – 8 nodes
Length : 720mm (2.37 shaku)
Weight : 329 gr
Ø utaguchi : int : 22 ext : 36.5 mm
Ø at root : int : 22 ext : 52 mm
Ø holes : 10/11 mm

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