Ji-nashi shakuhachi 1.8 in D – Torachiku
This excellent ji-nashi shakuhachi in D is made from a nice French tiger bamboo Torachiku (Ph. nigra Boryana) thick and dense. Its narrow bore quite rare with French bamboo gives acoustical characteristics close to the ji-ari keeping the rich harmonic complexity of the ji-nashi with it’s irregular bore. The timbre is very clear and bright with a good volume and excellent playability. It plays easily on 3 octaves (dai-kan register is complete !). A good flute to start studying both Honkyoku and Sankyoku.
Nobekan (one piece) 8 nodes- Kinko horn inlay – Black urushi lacquer
Length : 545mm — Weight: 300gr
Diameter at utaguchi : int : 20 ext : 35mm
Diameter at foot : int : 17 ext: 55mm
Holes diameter : de 10 à 11mm
Listen :
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://www.chikudo-bamboo-flutes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/ji-nashi-torachiku-1.8-re-05-19.mp3″]