

Old Kinko Ji-ari shakuhachi 2.1 in C – 2 hanko 鈴風 “REIFU” – restored by Chikudo

Here is a beautiful vintage shakuhachi signed by 鈴風 “REIFU” who was a disciple of Aoki REIBO I; this instrument is probably dated in beginning of 20th century.
This 2.1 Ji-ari was initially made in B but has obviously been modified (see utaguchi) to raise the pitch in C (but was still low).
It is a very pleasant shakuhachi with an old-fashioned charm and a beautiful bamboo patina; very comfortable in hands and mouth; you can feel this flute has been played a lot.
Flexible and vibrant, with a timbre rich in harmonics, this shakuhachi answers perfectly to all Kinko techniques and plays easily up to Dai-Kan; now correctly tuned in C (A=440Hz).
The restoration work included work on the joint and the rings with a special urushi technique called Negoro Nuri; fine tuning in C and repairings in the damaged bore with ji and urushi.
(last pictures show the shakuhachi when I got it)
This ji-ari shakuhachi will be able to satisfy an advanced player and particularly the old Kinko lovers.

Ji-ari Shakuhachi
Japanese Madake – 2 pieces  – 7 nodes
Length :  631 mm
Weight :  493 g
diameter at utaguchi  : int : 23 mm – ext : 33 mm
diameter at foot : int : 24 mm – ext : 49 mm
holes diameter : 11/12 mm
Kinko horn inlay (traces of the initial inlay)
urushi rings “negoro” style

Black Urushi lacquer
1 Binding


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