

Antique Ji-nashi shakuhachi in D – restored

This very old Ji-nashi in D is over a century old ! Probably from Meiji or even Edo period regarding its patina and its typical ancient way of crafting. This is an unsigned shakuhachi which has been visibly played a lot (probably by a monk). The tuning is not tempered as it is tuned to the older tastes with evenly placed tone-holes giving a higher Chi. Thus it is a flute for solo playing only, particularly adapted to meditative activity (hoki) such as Myoan style of playing.
Due to its thin bore, the playing of this shakuhachi is very fine and intimate with a very pure tone colour enjoyable if you don’t try to push the volume of the sound.
I’ve repaired the tozan horn inlay which was damaged, cleaned and added new layer of urushi for prevention, but didn’t change anything about tuning in respect to the traditional way it was made.

One piece Nobekan , 7 nodes
Length : 533mm (1.75 shaku) Weight: 213g
Diameter at utaguchi : ext: 33mm int: 18mm
Diameter at root end : ext: 42mm int: 16mm
Diameter of tone-holes 9 to 10mm
Myoan horn inlay at utaguchi –  bengara urushi dark red finishing

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