Here I am, back in the workshop

back from our long family cycling journey through southern Europe.

I’ve missed so much the quiet loneliness of my workshop,
where I select a piece of bamboo and put my heart and hands to turn it into a good shakuhachi;
this is the best place I found to be in this world !

In the workshop

During the summer, I have sorted two new packs of French bamboo for ji-nashi making to sell as I am making space in the stock for the new Madake harvest to come next year.
You can check here if you get interested in some of them for your own shakuhachi making experiences.

Before starting to work again, I had some works to do on my workshop’s roof which was in a quite bad condition…
These days, I’ve rediscovered the heady scent of urushi while working on new Ji-nashi and Ji-ari shakuhachi.
Two new pieces of damaged shakuhachi from Japan have arrived for a big restoration work hopefully bringing them back to life !

New features

I have always found myself occupied enough with managing my website to find time and energy for social networking.
But I accept that somehow the digital uses are evolving and so decided to use both Facebook and Youtube to communicate and share my activities online.

So here are the Facebook page and Youtube channel of Atelier Chikudo.

Please enjoy watching, reading, sharing, subscribing or whatever even though there is not much content yet !

Coming next…

  • In November 15th to 17th, I will participate in the 24th Chikumeisha France workshop with my teacher Gunnar Jinmei Linder.
    All levels of shakuhachi playing are welcome from total beginners to advanced players.
    Join us !
    All informations are here :
  • I will travel again this winter to Japan for harvesting new Madake bamboo and meet shakuhachi people and friends.
    I will be one month there from mid-December to mid-January;
    One week in Kyōto and 3 weeks in northern Kyūshū.